...What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, muscles. I figured since I am currently thinking about the muscles and skeletons of worms, I'd give all ten of my loyal readers a little background into what muscle is, how it works, how it changes, and why you need to go to the gym more often.
So basically muscle is tissue that can contract and make force. And the more force you can make, the more manly you are. It's a simple proportion.
All muscle in made up of muscle fibers aka muscle cells which are arranged in bundles. In these muscles cells are pairs of contractile proteins that grip and can ratchet past each other to make force and contract your muscle. Yes, like when you flex your massive biceps.
Muscle cells look cool. Scientific fact. |
There are also different kinds of muscle cells, depending on whether or not you do aerobic exercise or short intense bursts of exercise like weight lifting. Type I muscle fibers are 'slow twitch' fibers which just means they contract slowly. Basically it takes a while to get this muscle going, but once it does it can use oxygen and food to make energy and keep going for a long time. If you do a lot of cardio, this is what you have. This is 'red' muscle like what you see in cows because this muscle has hemoglobin inside of it to get max oxygen delivery to power the cells. So you have cow-like muscle. Moo.
Red meat= Type I Muscle |
White meat= Type II Muscle |
The punchline: MUSCLES ARE GOOD, SO GO TO THE GYM ALREADY. And no, shaking a shake weight does NOT count:
Yes, I know working out is hard...BUT... muscle is sexy... You know you are totally jealous of my chiseled arms...
You don't have to pay to watch this gun show! |
Plus, muscle cells just look cooler than fat cells. Just sayin'
The most picked on cells in the body. |
Your gym buddy,
The 'Dirty' Scientist
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